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A mess..

A-mess, or as some people tauntingly call it, Gay-mess, is a temple for the starved. First of all, the dirty name might be because of the fact that one can always spot guys sitting suspiciously close to each other while dining there. M here to clarify a few things about A-mess: 1. A-mess has far better quality of food than the other mess, which stinks like anything! 2. A-mess owner neednt wear wannabe disfigured clothes at any point of the day or night. He is completely satisfied with his white shirt and grey pants. 3. A-mess gives preference to guys over girls, a phenomena that is never witnessed elsewhere, least of all, the other mess whick stinks like anything!


So I m inside the train, again, trying hard not to pass back into slumber. It gets so goddamn boring, vibrating to and fro, knowing that you may never reach your destination on time, courtesy the railways. It’s a 32-hour journey to Goa and I have already munched on all my crisps, drank most of my water and peed at least half a dozen times. There is only one person worth talking to, a kindly fellow going to Panvel, a person who has finished his masters in engineering as well as MBA. And not more than 6-7 years older than me. What a brave fellow! And I am just so tired of my bachelor’s degree that I feel more at home in the garage than the classroom.

Train of thought!

So I am heading back to Delhi. Had an amazing stay at Simla, again. Four days of doing absolutely nothing except hogging delicious burgers, sipping coffee ground from fresh beans, avoiding baths and roaming around Mall Road with my best cousins and their family. Simla never fails to impress. The people are willing to work for you at one-fourth the wages in Delhi, that too with honesty as an add-on. Local crowd is surprisingly well-behaved, what with little girls asking for paper-bags instead of plastic, men addressing women with sincerity and always departing with deep smiles. And the hospitality, my word! Just one compliment about their cooking flips their heart and makes them endearing. They are eager to feed you till you drop from diarrhea, farting your heart away. No wonder our room used to stink every morning, the blankets even more so!

A series of unfortunate events!

What the f**k?! I have had enough of this… :x I have repeated these lines a dozen times in my head today. It all started with waking up to an empty hostel and watching my clothes lying in a pool of mud… Apparently, a rain came to visit last night and took away my happily swinging crystal-clean laundry for a ride.. Nothing like washing washed clothes without wearing them!! :x


Been a long while... Loads of things happened over this period... My final exams came and went, leaving an era of sorrow, hollowed self-esteem and scribbled answer-sheets... After 15 days of continuous torture, one can now let their hair down... And while my hair are anything but down right now, life's gotten pretty amusing...

Land of the dead...

Just finished watching a documentary called "Dispatches- Terror in Mumbai", about the 26/11 terror attacks. And though a lot has already been said and read about it, people seem to have forgotten a little too quickly. 10 ordinary youngsters forced the world's largest democracy on its knees, raped her for 60 hours constantly and then got themselves shot in an act of "martyrdom". And while all this was on, the rest of the nation were glued to their television sets, starving for every new update about the situation.

We screw for a living!

  Its the year of CDC's (Core Disciplinary Courses).. And though every senior I talked to warned me about the physical, emotional and spiritual hazards of this year, I have had a surprisingly good luck(neglecting academic scores and other insignificant crap).. For details, please read the following:

ये हिन्दोस्ताँ है

     तू हिन्दू बनेगा, न मुसलमान बनेगा |       इंसान की औलाद है, इंसान बनेगा |   मालिक ने हर इंसान को इंसान बनाया,       हमने उसे हिन्दू या मुसलमान बनाया |     कुदरत ने तो बख्षी थी हमें एक ही धरती,       हमने कहीं भारत, पाकिस्तान, तो कहीं इरान बनाया |   जो तोड़ दे हर बाँध को वो तूफ़ान बनेगा |       इंसान की औलाद है इंसान बनेगा |

Who says I can't get stoned?

Waves 2011 started, and ended, on a positive note.. From DJ Siddarth to Raeth to Agham to Kailash Kher, it was a fun riot throughout. Then again, fond memories are formed when you do something worth remembering. On the 2nd night, we ran hard towards the security guards at the entrances and turned away just when they raised their clubs.. Bit silly, really, but then, there's a thin line between madness and fun :D So we snuck in without a ticket from the bushes, have a hail and hearty dance on the stage, occasionally terrifying the DJ and the pretty lasses dancing alongside.. One time, a bouncer tried to hustle us out.. We were thrown on the side lines so that the event snaps dont get ruined :'( Anyways, it all wrapped up around half past midnight and we were tipsy with all the sweat and lights.

No comments?!?!

Feedback, reactions, revolt, rebellion, praise... What a nice way to begin, aint it?! Much like Mark Anthony... Although I m much wiser and smarter than him. Why, I can easily instigate the dogs to bite and bark at any passing girl! B-) Coming back, I was pondering over the power of comments. Those insolent strings of words that can make or break your dreams. Those drops of elixir or pangs of fire. Those cheap little rascals that regularly catapult our Parliament out of order and exposes massive brain malfunctioning in Lok Sabha.
