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M sorry, Anna!!

Anna's latest tyrade against the government has been a wake-up call for the people and politicans alike. Ramdev Baba too started his own form of protest in the form of demonstrations and fasting. However, his protest was short-lived when Delhi Police entered the area unceremoniously and destroyed all their morale.. Baba escaped from the venue unscathed, dressed in a woman's clothes.. This little incident made me question the very question of extending support for a good cause.. These arent the features of a democracy.. What was wrong with the peaceful protest? Were the cops too bored to accept bribes and decided to go mob-hunting?!

Anyways, the aftermath of this incident was that a person as well-balanced (both mentally and physically!!) as Ramdev Baba lost his peace of mind and decided to form their own little army, trained in latest weaponry and combating skills, in order to ward off the cops in future.. The point is, what was supposed to be an eye-opener for the government, turned out to be a mind-blower for the protesters. Is this what they set out to achieve that day? More importantly, is it wise to protest in localised groups?

When the cops decide to put an end to a demonstration, they use tear-gas, lathicharge and, in worst cases, air-firing..  Anyhow, the worst sufferer is always the common man! Just consider this... You went to show your support to the latest anti-corruption movement in or around your locality.. It was just a peaceful candlelit march in front of the Vidhan Bhawan.. However, the mayor is ordered to stop this.. He arrives with sufficient force and disperses the crowd... The crowd refuses to quit.. A cop fires off a shot in the air and a stampede follows.. You fall down and about 20 people step on you while running helter and skelter... Cracked ribs, bleeding hands and scratched face are the minimum possible injuries in such a scenario... You are hospitalised for 2-3 days, with long prescriptions and even longer medical bills... On the other hand, the brutality of the cops comes on front page the next day, becomes the stuff of gossip and gets forgotten as soon as the latest Amitabh Bachchan starrer releases.. What is to become of you? It wasnt your fault for which you got punished.. Yet, you are unable to study, appear for exams/interviews/presentations, lost a limb or two, unable to lead a normal life for many days because you decided to raise your voice against unjustice and corruption...

Concentrate on the bottom right corner of the above image and you'll spot what I m trying to say... Coming to the point, I think that before trying to do something for your nation, its better to secure your future first.. The world listens to you only when you become worthy of listening. No one feels interested when a young kid babbles away his imagination to the world.. Yet, when the said kid cracks IITJEE and turns his imagination to a solid model, the world stand up in his adulation. Whats the point of jumping into this protest or that rally if those who have power dont think twice before maiming you? Work hard, get yourself to a respectable position, plan and then jump in to save your country...
As for our Anna, he is way past his prime... The cause for which he is fighting is laudable and needs all the support he can get.. But we have to be wise as well.. We got our own lives as well... Tomorrow, if something unruly happens to Anna, the movement will lose half of its steam and will die out eventually unless we have another patriot like him in the offing... Practicality is one constraint in every movement, daily bread is the other... Anna is a true Gandhian... I m sure he wont want you to get injured permanently in return for supporting him..If you want to show solidarity to Anna, there are many other safe ways like facebook campaigns, SMS and e-mail chains, signature campaigns or peace marathons.. All the best to India!!


  1. Good one dude....marvel leaks from ur pen once again..!!!!

  2. ravan...this is the most matured literature u posted....saala hajare k peechhe peechhe chale gye jail...plcmnt k tym company dekhegi police record aur hum babu hilate reh jaayenge...bhrashtachar se agr nipat bhi liye to kori degree le kar kya ukhaad lenge????

  3. thnx a lot guys... this is exactly what I meant to point out... People should not follow anythng without thinking of the adverse after-effects to their own lives!

  4. nice one.. :)
    will keep all this in mind, aage se.. :-|

  5. all's well dat ends well :)


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