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Showing posts from August, 2011

M sorry, Anna!!

Anna's latest tyrade against the government has been a wake-up call for the people and politicans alike. Ramdev Baba too started his own form of protest in the form of demonstrations and fasting. However, his protest was short-lived when Delhi Police entered the area unceremoniously and destroyed all their morale.. Baba escaped from the venue unscathed, dressed in a woman's clothes.. This little incident made me question the very question of extending support for a good cause.. These arent the features of a democracy.. What was wrong with the peaceful protest? Were the cops too bored to accept bribes and decided to go mob-hunting?! Anyways, the aftermath of this incident was that a person as well-balanced (both mentally and physically!!) as Ramdev Baba lost his peace of mind and decided to form their own little army, trained in latest weaponry and combating skills, in order to ward off the cops in future.. The point is, what was supposed to be an eye-opener for the governmen...

Rक्षण- the big R, re-visited...

Cautionary note- The below content may hurt the sentiments of many, for which I would like to apologise profusely. But these are my views... And if they appear discriminatory or biased, its just because I was also a victim of this malaise! And someone also commented on my writing style as monotonous and blunt.. To that, I just wanna reply that I only write to vent out my inner feelings.. I am not a professional writer, nor am I a kind-hearted fella, nor a paid journalist and neither am I under any sort of pressure related to respecting the feelings of the fairer sex and plain idiots! Reservation- the current hot topic of discussion, made popular once more by Prakash Jha's recent film.. There have been contless debates and discussion on this very issue for many decades... In the end, on 10 April 2008, the Supreme Court of India upheld the law that provides for 27% reservation for Other Backward Castes (OBCs) in educational institutions supported by the Central government. Apart...

Bapu's Bharat battered barbarically!

Mahatma Gandhi, aka Bapu, was the major force behind the outster of British from India and achieving freedom. Bapu had but one vision, to make India stand up on its own feet and to unite Indians through virtues of brotherhood, tolerance, love and non-violence. He worked tirelessly throughout his life to make our nation so. The country looked upon him as a father figure, someone who can take them away from misery and wrongdoings to the path of righteousness. Many people blame Bapu for creating Pakistan and hold him responsible for the bloodshed that occured during the unfortunate partition. However, it wasnt Bapu who wanted an independent Pakistan. He was always against tearing up the nation into two parts. It was Jinnah, brainwashed by the East India Company, who wanted power solely for the Muslims. When all efforts failed to coax Jinnah, Bapu resigned to his wish and isolated himself. Bapu saved our country from external forces, but he didnt foresee the dangers that lay in a fickl...
