verb (used with object), controlled, controlling. 1. to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command 2. to hold in check; curb 3. to test or verify (a scientific experiment) by a parallel experiment or other standard of comparison. 4. to eliminate or prevent the flourishing or spread of For a while now, I have been tensed, frustrated, morose, depressed, confused, dazed, blank, blah blah blah blah... You name a negative emotion and there's a high chance that I have been its victim in the past few months. All elements of self-control have eluded me, sometimes collectively. It's one thing to move ahead in life, a whole another to bring about a paradigm shift. And when that shift doesn't happen as per my plan, I tend to lose control of my own self. And I have been losing control steadily, of my mind, health, work and life as a whole.