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Showing posts from September, 2012

Small wonder

First things first.. Does size matter? In this age of big achievements and bigger ambitions, everyone wants to make it large. And yet, its often said that its the smaller things in life that gives you real pleasure. Now here comes the best part. This is small... Smallest, in fact, when it comes to cost and size. Nano, to be exact. TATA gave us the Nano. The cheapest car in the world, but innovative nonetheless. Let me satisfy the cynics here itself. This car is NOT a failure. The few incidents of fuel injectors catching fire were in fact the wrongdoings on the part of the customer who meddled with the electric connections. Another case was that of a silk cloth left hanging in the exhaust pipe, later catching fire.

An ode to ourselves...

Been out of touch for a long while.. Had my head rammed with things like placements, formal clothing, even interviews! Still much confused, the picture is now getting less blurry as to what I want to be, years from now. Bouts of philosophy are not really a big time-saver though.. But they help, nevertheless. A book called The monk who sold his Ferrari and a person codenamed Zen helped out. Precisely, it all taught me to accept myself and celebrate the weirdness. In the end, make peace with yourself and all the world is your playground. It hardly matters what car you own, how expensive your wrist-watch is or whether you have a sea-facing villa. Though I wont say no to any of these things, they are not worth shelving my conscience, self-respect or friendships. "Heaven has no bank, except that of your own deeds", my Hindi teacher used to say. My parents want me to have a life much better than they had. But how can they not see that in my own eyes, their lives is exactly what I...
